AAM Strategy for Government Client

Unified Aviation supported a regional government client in developing their Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Strategy to address several challenges.

These challenges included creating an internal understanding of the AAM ecosystem and the upcoming challenges, developing an initial outlook for the city’s needs to support AAM implementation, and proposing a strategic roadmap along with the next steps for the project's development.

Our Project Objectives

Primary Goal: The primary goal of the project was to establish a clear understanding of how AAM can practically benefit a major city. This involved identifying the potential advantages of AAM, considering the city's unique needs, and evaluating how these benefits could be effectively realized within the urban context.

Secondary Goal: The secondary goals focused on outlining the key elements of AAM, engaging relevant stakeholders, and developing a comprehensive strategic roadmap for implementation. This included detailed planning, collaboration with various departments and stakeholders, and setting the stage for the successful integration of AAM into the city’s transportation infrastructure.

The Approach

Unified Aviation developed a comprehensive project strategy to integrate AAM into a major city. This included a three-phased overview of AAM integration, reviews of current and planned projects, extensive stakeholder meetings for feedback, and a detailed Strategic Roadmap outlining key implementation steps.

Our Solutions

Unified Aviation's solutions included creating a practical Strategic Roadmap, implementing advanced planning and automated systems, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing training and continuous support to stakeholders for smooth AAM integration.


Primary Chalenge: Understanding and Integrating AAM

  • Creating an internal understanding of the AAM ecosystem.

  • Developing an initial outlook for a major city’s needs to support AAM implementation.

Secondary Goal: Strategic Roadmap and Coordination

  • Creating a strategic roadmap for AAM

  • Coordinating with multiple government departments and stakeholders to ensure cohesive planning and execution.


Solution: Unified Aviation developed a comprehensive strategy for our regional government client, focusing on detailed assessments, stakeholder engagement, and clear roadmap development.

  • Three-Phased Strategy: Implemented a detailed three-phased strategy that reviewed current and planned mega projects.

  • Stakeholder Meetings: Conducted extensive meetings with stakeholders for feedback and integration into the AAM concept.

  • Strategic Roadmap: Developed a roadmap outlining the key elements and steps for AAM implementation in Riyadh.

  • Pilot Project Concept: Created a pilot project concept to test and refine AAM implementation parameters, including infrastructure, airspace, and commercialization options.

Results for a regional government client

What Effect Did Our Work Have


Unified Aviation successfully supported our client in achieving several key outcomes. The project facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the AAM ecosystem and its practical benefits for the city. Additionally, there was positive engagement with various stakeholders and the development of a Strategic Roadmap for AAM implementation.


  • Enhanced understanding of the AAM ecosystem and its applications.

  • Clear identification of key AAM elements and associated challenges.

  • Positive stakeholder engagement and collaboration.

  • Development of a comprehensive Strategic Roadmap for AAM implementation.

  • Detailed planning for the next steps in AAM development for the city.

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